03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.Sc. Ph.D.

Post Type



Dr. Plaban Jyoti Sarma


M.Sc. Ph.D.


Inorganic Chemistry

Area Of Interest

#Quantum Catalysis #Quantum chemical calculations for CO2 reduction, CO oxidation, methane activation, oxidation of NOx, H20 adsorption etc. #Computational Chemistry, DFT calculations for global optimization of metal and metal oxide clusters. study on the Quantum size effect on the catalytic behavior of clusters #Environmental Chemistry VOCs, CFCs etc.


Recent Publications: #Dikshita Dowerah, Mallikarjunachari VN Uppuladinne, Subrata Paul, Dharitri Das, Nand K Gour, Nishant Biswakarma, Plaban J Sarma, Uddhavesh B Sonavane, Rajendra R Joshi, Suvendra K Ray, Ramesh Ch Deka, A Study Modeling Bridged Nucleic Acid-Based ASOs and Their Impact on the Structure and Stability of ASO/RNA Duplexes, Langmuir, Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids. 2024. #Nishant Biswakarma, Plaban Jyoti Sarma, Shilpa Neog, Priyanka Dutta, Dikshita Dowerah, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Nand Kishor Gour, Ramesh Chandra Deka, Termolecular Eley–Rideal pathway for catalytic oxidation of nitric oxide on [Pt2]0,± dimers using O2, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 124(10), p.e27390., 2024. #Sarma, Plaban J; Neog, Shilpa; Biswakarma, Nishant; Dowerah, Dikshita; Dutta, Priyanka; Das, Tushmita; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Ch;  Tuning the Reaction Mechanism toward Selective Hydrogenation of CO2 to Formic Acid on a Sn10O20 Cluster, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2023, 62, 51, 21967–21976.  #Neog, Shilpa; Dowerah, Dikshita; Biswakarma, Nishant; Dutta, Priyanka; Churi, Partha Pratim; Sarma, Plaban Jyoti; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Chandra; Reaction Mechanism and Kinetics for the Selective Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide to Formic Acid and Methanol over the [Cu2] 0,±1 Dimer, J. Phys. Chem. A 2023, 127, 41, 8508–8529, #Dowerah, Dikshita; VN Uppuladinne, Mallikarjunachari; Sarma, Plaban J; Biswakarma, Nishant; Sonavane, Uddhavesh B; Joshi, Rajendra R; Ray, Suvendra K; Namsa, Nima D; Deka, Ramesh Ch; Design of LNA analogues using a combined density functional theory and molecular dynamics approach for RNA therapeutics, ACS Omega 2023, 8, 25, 22382–22405, #Biswakarma, Nishant; Dowerah, Dikshita; Baruah, Satyajit Dey; Sarma, Plaban Jyoti; Gour, Nand Kishor; Deka, Ramesh Chandra; Catalytic oxidation of NO to NO2 on pure and doped AunPt3-n (n= 0–3) clusters: A DFT perspective Molecular Catalysis, 2021, 515, 111910, #Das, Rituraj; Talukdar, Dhrubajyoti; Sarma, Plaban J; Kuilya, Hemrupa; Thakuria, Ranjit; Choudhury, Diganta; Mahanta, Sanjeev P; Colorimetric detection of fluoride ions in aqueous medium using thiourea derivatives: a transition metal ion assisted approach, Dalton Trans., 2021,50, 15287-15295,

Book Chapters

#Mechanistic Details of Catalytic Hydrogenation of CO 2 to Useful Chemicals Using SnO 2 Clusters, Ramesh Ch Deka, Plaban J Sarma, Ajanta Deka, Nishant Biswakarma, Dikshita Dowerah, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Heterogeneous Nanocatalysis for Energy and Environmental Sustainability #Theoretical study for the activation of C-H bond of methane on Group 10 TMs doped (SnO2)2 cluster, Plaban J Sarma, Satyajit Dey Baruah, Dikshita Dowerah, Nishant Biswakarma, Ramesh Ch. Deka, Research Trends in Multidisciplinary Research, Akinik Publications. #Global Minimum Structures of (MnO) n clusters, n= 1-10 at DFT energy landscape, Plaban J Sarma, Dikshita Dowerah, Nishant Biswakarma, Ramesh Ch Deka, Air and Water Quality Assessment, Contamination and our Surroundings: Specific Analysis and Applications, Walnut publications


#Presented Poster at International Conference on “Emerging trends in Nanomaterials, Science and technology”, NIT Nagaland, 2017 #Presented poster at 20th CRSI national symposium in Chemistry, 2nd-5th Feb, 2017. #Presented Oral in the International Conference on Frontres at the Chemistry- Allied Science Interface, 22-23 July, 2017, Jaipur Rajasthan, Organized by Centre of Advance Study Department of Chemistry, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur. #International conference on the Organix-2018 Organized by Department of Chemical Sciences, Tezpur University Tezpur Unversity P December 2019. #Regional seminar on Sciecne for sustainable development Organized by Department of Chemistry, B. Borooah College, Guwahati, Assam Borooah College P January, 2019. #International Conference on Advances in Science Gargaon College Science Forum Gargaon College, State bank of India P 5th May to 7th May, 2023. #International Workshop on Carrier Planning: Exploring the recent trends in the Ocen of Science Gargaon College Gargaon College A 22nd June, 2023 #Participated in 100th Indian Science congress held at Calcutta University, from 3rd to 7th January, 2013, #One-day seminar on Walk in talk with chemistry, organised by the Department of Chemistry, Gargaon College, on 26th May, 2024. (Programme Cooordinator)


#Participated in the workshop on computational chemistry held at Tezpur University on 28th February 2013. #Participated in the workshop on spectroscopic tools and their applications held in dept. of Chemical sciences, Tezpur University on 6th April, 2013. #Participated in the Science Academics lecture workshop on ‘Modern Trends In Chemistry’ applications held in dept. of Chemical sciences, Tezpur University from 20th -22nd November, 2013. #Participated in the Science Academics lecture workshop on ‘Emerging trends in Chemical Sciences’ Tezpur University from 11th -13th November 2016.

Short Term Course Attended

#One Week Faculty Development Program on “Scientific Language” Department of Mathematics, School of Basic Sciences, The Assam Kaziranga University Kaziranga University 26th April – 2nd May, 2023 #One Week Faculty Development Program on “Research Methodology” Department of IQAC, Gargaon College in collaboration with Department of Economics, Mahapurasha Srimanta Sankardeva Viswavidyalaya Gargaon College 25th June – 29th June, 2023 #Participated in the 1st Faculty Development Program (FDP) on Density Functional Theory Modelling of Advanced Materials (DFT-Advanced) organized by the Centre for Advanced Computational Research, Delhi from 11th Feb. – 20th Feb. 2025 via Online Mode. FDP had 10 Interactive Sessions by DR. NIKHIL AGGARWAL using Quantum Espresso and Vesta Software Packages.

Google Scholar Link

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