03772 296164

Faculty Details



Assistant Professor
M.Sc. Life Sciences (Botany)

Post Type





M.Sc. Life Sciences (Botany)


Cytogenetics and Crop Improvement

Area Of Interest

Molecular Biology, Genetics, Plant Physiology, Ethnobotany, Ecology, Bioinformatics, Nanoparticles,


1. Gogoi, S., Pertin, A. Agarwalla, S. and Baruah, B. 2021. Ethnobotanical knowledge of “Ahom” & “Matak” community of Assam (India) to treat dysmenorrhea. International Journal of Botany Studies Vol. 6 (1) 517 – 520. 2. Agarwalla, S. and Rajput D., 2021. Axonopus, a potential plant for phytoremediation: A review. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences. Vol. (3): 18 – 20. 3. Rajput, D., Saikia, L. R., Borkataky, M. and Agarwalla, S. 2022. Ageratum conyzoides L.: In vitro Antimicrobial, Antioxidant and Phytochemical Study. Ecology, Environment and Conservation Vol. 28 (August Suppl. Issue) : S255 - S261. 4. Agarwal K, Borah D, Agarwalla S. 2024. A quantitative investigation on carbon sequestration at Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya, Jorhat. Res. Jr. Agril. Sci. Vol. 15(6): 1257-1260.

Book Chapters

1. Agarwalla, S., Rajput, D. and Das, D. 2021. Phytochemistry of Dioscorea alata. In Environment Climate Change and Natural Challenges. Narzary, A. Begum, P. and Bhagawati, C. (Eds.) Gargaon College Publication Cell. pp. 224 – 231. ISBN 978 – 93 – 90919 – 60 – 4. 2. Das, D., Neog, B., Das, A., B,, and Agarwalla, S. 2022. A Review on Lasia spinosa: Ethnobotany, Phytochemistry, Pharmacology and Karyomorphology. In Biodiversity Challenges: A Way Forward Shashikanth S. Majagi (Eds.) Daya Publishing House. pp. 22 – 29. ISBN: 978-93-5461-269-5 (HB). 3. Agarwal, K. and Agarwalla, S. 2023. Ecohydrology: A Review In Open Science: A compilation of Science Articles Phukon, K, Phukon, M. and Buragohain, B. (Eds.) Gargaon College Science Forum Vol. II: pp. 125 – 131 ISBN: 978-81-954347-3-2. 4. Agarwalla, S. 2023. Women and Health: A brief review on the disorders related to Menstruation In Women’s Well-Being Inclusive and Sustainable Growth, Begum, P., Langthasa, P. and Dutta, B. (Eds.) Gargaon College Publication Cell, Gargaon College, Vol. I: pp. 96 -1 00, ISBN: 978-81-945305-1-0. 5. Langthasa, P., Begum, P., Agarwalla, S. and Dutta, R. 2023. Groundwater Contamination of Arsenic and its Toxicity. In Annual Bioscience Communication Majumdar, H. C. (Eds.) Biological Spectrum of North-East India. EBH Publishers, Vol.: 3, pp. 244-252 ISBN: 978-93-92038-07-5. 6. Agarwalla, S. and Agarwal, K. 2024. Hydroponics: A New Approach. In Recent Trends in Biological Sciences Sramah, R., Deb, P. and Basumatary, S. (Eds.) Research and Innovative Cell ABA Degree College, Vol. I pp. 219-227, ISBN: 978-93-90706-39-6. 7. Agarwalla, S., Begum, P. and Langthasa, P. 2024. Prodrug-based Nanoparticle Therapeutics: Challenges and Future Prospects. Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing Gupta, R., Bora, S. N., Kumar, S. and Prabhu, R. (Eds.) In IIP Series, Selfypage Developers ,Vol. 3 (Book 3,), pp. 182-190 ISBN: 978-93-6252-833-9.


Conference: 1. 1st International Conference on Advances in Science organized by Gargaon College Science Forum and IQAC Gargaon College in collaboration with CSIR-NEIST on 5th and 6th May, 2023. (Attended) Seminar/Webinar: 1. Two day National seminar on Environment and climate change in North East India: challenges and sustainablity organized by Sibsagar College, Joysagar (Autonomous), Department of Science and technology, Govt of India, 22-23rd August, 2022. (Presented a paper entitled "Diversity of Climbers in Sivasagar District, Assam"). 2. Webinar on “How to use the Platform-LINKEDIN organized by Department of Commerce, Gargaon College in collaboration with IQAC, Gargaon College , 25th October, 2022. 3. ICSSR sponsored Two Days National Seminar on Writings from North East India: Trends and Issues organized by Department of English in collaboration with IQAC and Central Library, Gargaon College, 24th and 25th February, 2023. 4. Webinar on “Union Budget 2023: An Analysis” organized by Department of Commerce, Gargaon College in collaboration with IQAC, Gargaon College, 6th March, 2023. 5. National Seminar on Atmanirbhar Bharat: Opportunities and Challenges with special focus on NE India organized by IQAC Gargaon College, 1st April, 2023. 6. National seminar entitled “Intellectual Property Rights (Basic & Advanced)” organized by Department of Commerce, Gargaon College in collaboration with IQAC Gargaon College, 6th-8th April, 2023. 7. Webinar on Integration of IKS in the Teaching Learning Process as envisioned in NEP, 2020 organized by Research Committee, Dhemaji Commerce College in collaboration with Council for Teacher Education Foundation (CTEF) Dhemaji District Chapter, 20th May, 2023. 8. Webinar on “Multiple Entry and Exit in Academic Programmes” organized by UGC-MMTTC, Guwahati University, 8th September, 2023. 9. Webinar on “Academic Bank of Credits” organized by UGC-MMTTC, Guwahati University, 8th September, 2023. 10. National Seminar on Spirituality: Theoretical and Applied Significance organized by Sati Radhika Mahila Tirtha and Department of Assamese in Collaboration with IQAC Gargaon College, 7th October,2023. 11. National Seminar on Quality Enhancement in Higher Educational Institutions: A NAAC Perspective organized by IQAC, Dibrugarh University, 27th January, 2024.


1. One day National Workshop on “Finance and Accounts of Higher Educational Institutions of Assam” organized by Gargaon College Employees unit in collaboration with IQAC, Gargaon College, All Assam College Employees Association Sivasagar District Committee and office of the Assistant Director of Audit, 11th March, 2023 2.IPR Awareness/Training Programme under NIPAM organized by Intellectual Property Office, India, 12th April, 2023. 3. International Workshop on Career Planning: Exploring the Recent Trends in the Ocean of Science organized by Department of Chemistry, Geology and IQAC Gargaon College in Collaboration with Department of Applied Geology, Dibrugarh University, Assam, 8th and 9th June, 2023. 4. One day Workshop on Four Year Undergraduate Programme under NEP 2020 organized by Gargaon College in collaboration with Nazira College, 15th June, 2023. 5. One Day State Level Workshop on Vermicomposting organized by Eco Club, NSS Unit and Zoology Department, Gargaon College, 6th May, 2024. 7. One Day State Level Workshop on Solid Waste Management organized by Eco Club, NSS Unit and Zoology Department, Gargaon College, 7th May, 2024. 8. One Day Lecture Program on "AI based tools for literature search and systematic review" organized by Chakreswar Saikia Central Library, in association with Teachers’ Unit, Nanda Nath Saikia College, Titabar, Jorhat, Assam, 9th June, 2024.

Orientation Course

1. “A 4-week Orientation/Induction Programme for “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/ Institutes of Higher Education” organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Govt. of India from 21st December 2022-19th January, 2023.

Short Term Course Attended

1. UGC Approved Short Term Professional Development Programme on ‘Implementation of NEP 2020 for University and College Teachers’ organized by INDIRA GANDHI NATIONAL OPEN UNIVERSITY Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education New Delhi Under Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching from 12th-20th June, 2023. Faculty Development Programme Attended 1. One-week Faculty Development Programme on “National Education Policy-2020” organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching, Govt. of India from 20th-26th March, 2023. 2. One Week Faculty Development Program on “Scientific Language” organized by Department of Mathematics, School of Basic Sciences,The Assam Kaziranga University, Jorhat, Assam, India from 26th April - 2nd May, 2023. 3. One-week online Faculty Development Programme cum Workshop on “Research Methodology” organized by IQAC Gargaon College in collaboration with Department of Economics, Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya from 25th June-29th June,2023. 4. Faculty Development Program on “Developing MOOCS” organized by TLC, Ramanujan College from 24th – 30th March, 2024. 5. NPTEL- AICTE Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology organized by SWAYAM for 12 weeks from Feb-April, 2024. 6. NPTEL- AICTE Faculty Development Program on Outcome Based Pedagogic Principles for Effective Teaching organized by SWAYAM for 04 weeks from Feb-March, 2024. 7. FDP on NEP Orientation and Sensitization Programme organized by MMTTC from 03-12 June, 2024.

Google Scholar Link

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