Rural Development has a significant role to play for developing nations like India where a majority of the population live in rural areas. It is one of the most important factors for the growth of the Indian economy. The study of Rural Development includes ways of improving the standard of life of rural people incorporating social, economic, political development of the people living in rural areas who are deprived of basic amenities. It is necessary to provide students knowledge along with practical experience in this important area. As such, the Department of Rural Development was established by Gargaon College in the year 2010.
Total Student Strength: 150
To introduce B.A., M.A., Diploma and other skill based courses so as to produce students who can become self-employed and contibute significantly to their community.
A oneday entrepreneurship workshop was organised by the department in association with Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management sponsored by Numaligarh Refinery at Gargaon College on 13th September, 2019.