Published in UGC Listed Journal:
•Pottery in Assam: Historical Analysis, Proceeding of the North East India History Association Vol., pp, 71-75, 2002, 2349-753X
•Economics of Cane and Bamboo works in the Rural Areas of Assam, Vol. XXI, Pp. 17-30, 2008, Assam Economic Journal, 0976-7530
•A Study on Making of Pottery in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., IV, PP,22-26, 2014, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Hunanities ( A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2250-1665
•Development of the Handloom Industry in Assam: A Study, 278-287,2014, Proceeding of the North East India History Association, 2349-753X.
•Pottery in Assam: A Case Study in the Sivasagar District, Vol., III, PP, 37-39,2015, Journal of Research, Extension and Development (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2319-1899.
•Traditional Handicrafts Products in Assam, Vol., III, PP, 15-18, 2015, International Journal for Research and Development( A Peer Reviewed Journal Published Every Two Months), 2321-3434
•Rural Pottery Industry in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 5, PP, 60-63, 2015, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal, 2249-7307.
•Rural Handicrafts: A Case Study in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 7, No. 9, PP, 125-132, 2017, Asian Journal of Research in Business Economics & Management(A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2249-7307.
•A Study on Festivals of Konyak Naga Tribe Living in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., VII, Issue, X, PP, 45-48, 2017, Asian Journal of Research in Social Science and Humanities( A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2250-1665
Published in Peer-Reviewed Journal:
•A Study of the Pottery Industry in Sivasagar District of Assam,Vol., II, PP, 124-135, 2013, A Journal of Humanities and Cultural Studies( A Peer-Reviewed International Journal), 2320-0324.
•An Economic Analysis of Cane and Bamboo Works in the Urban Areas of Assam, Vol., II, PP, 71-85,2014, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138
•A Comparative Study of Demographic Profile in the Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes in Sivasagar District of Assam,Vol., III, PP, 24-41,2015 , Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal, 2320-0138
•An Appraisal of the Handloom Industry in Assam, Vol., IV, PP, 50-63, 2016, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138
•Marketing of Handicraft Products in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., 5, PP, 16-23, 2016, Asian Journal of Research in Marketing (A Peer Reviewed Refereed Monthly International Journal), 2277-6621
•An Appraisal of the Handicrafts in North Eastern Region, Vol. V,PP, 47-65, 2017, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College (Peer Reviewed Journal), 2320-0138
Published in other Journal:
•Socio Economic Status of Bodo Women in the Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol. 2, Pp 111-114, 2012, Indian Journal of Social Science and Sciences, 2231-2447
•Handicrafts: Through the Ages in Assam, No.3, Pp 270-273, 2012, Panchajanya, 2230-911X
•A Study of the Pottery Tradition in Assam, Vol. IV, Pp 347-351, 2013, Panchajanya, 2230-911X
•Institutional Network for Development of Handicrafts in Assam, Vol. I, Pp 119-125, 2013, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, 2320-0138
•Pottery in Sivasagar District of Assam, Vol., V,PP,65-71,2014, Panchajanya, 2320-0138
Research Paper Published in Journal in Assamese:
•A History of Modern Industry in Assam, Vol. 41, No.6, Pp 33-35, 55. 2010, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371
•Handicrafts in Assam: Its History and Heritage, Vol. 42, No. 3, Pp 14-19, 2011 , Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371
•Coins in Ahom Period, Vol. 42, No. 8, Pp 38-42, 2011, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371
•Past and Present in the Pottery of Assam, Vol.,44, No.7, PP, 42-45, 2013, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371
•Socio-Economic Status of Scheduled Castes: A Brief Analysis, Vol., 45, No. 5, PP, 51-52,2014, Payobhara Yojana (Assamese), 0971-8371
•History of Handicrafts in Assam, Vol., 47, No., 1, PP,69-72, 2016, Payobhara Yojana,(Assamese), 0971-83
•History of Modern Industries in Assam, Vol., XXXV, No., 16, PP, 18-19, 2016, Prantik(Assames), 0917-5932
Research Paper published in Conference Proceedings:
•A Study of Cane and Bamboo Works in Sivasagar District of Assam, PP, 112-120, 2008, Proceeding of the a National Level Seminar on Present Status of Handicrafts in the North-Eastern Region, Gargaon College.
•Socio-Economic Status of Konyak Nagas in the Upper Brahmaputra Valley of Assam, PP, 261-268, 2009, International Seminar, The Tai (Paper Collection)
•The Kanyak Naga Woman in Assam: Some Aspects of Their Social and Economic Life, PP, 30-35, 2011, International Seminar, The Tai (Paper Collection).