1. Atmanirbhar bharat Abhiyan, published in Social and economic issues 978-93-5912-943-3, 2023,198-202
Book Edited
1. Book Name- Women’s well-being (Inclusive and Sustainable Growth) published by Gargaon College Publication Cell,ISBN- 978-81-945305-10,2023
1. Presented paper on National Seminar on Atmanirbhar Bharat: Opportunities and Challenges with special focus on North East India. IQAC , at Gargaon College.
2. Presented paper on Spirituality: Theoretical and applied significance organised by Sati Radhika mahila tirtha sister wings of Asom Satra Mahasabha at Gargaon college
3. Presented paper on Climate change and its impact in North East India: Understanding recent trends and patterns organised by Dept. of Sociology, Kamargaon College at Kamargaon College
4. Conference attended- International conference on Advance Science Gargaon College Science Forum & IQAC , Gargaon College in collaboration with CSIR- NEIST
1. Workshop attended- NEP 2020 and NIRF: a significant step, organized by Dept. of commerce
2. Workshop attended- Entrepreneurship and self Reliant India, organized by Dept. of commerce
Orientation Course
1. Attended Orientation course name- Faculty in Universities/college/institution of Higher education organized by Ramanujan College, from 21st Dec 2022-19th jan 2023
Short Term Course Attended
1. Attended FDP name- One week faculty development programme on research methodology organized by IQAC, Gargaon College, 25th-29th June 2023
2. Attended FDP name- One week Faculty Development Program on Research Methodology, organized by IQAC, Gargaon College in Collaboration with Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankardeva Viwavidyalaya IQAC
" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.