1. Das, I., Ghosh, A. and Buragohain, D. (2023) Recent benthic foraminiferal biofacies in the Bakkhali region, West Bengal, India, Records of Zoological Survey of India, Vol. 123(1), pp 83-98.
1. Two-Day international workshop on career planning: exploring the recent trends in the ocean of science organized by Department of Geology, Gargaon College on 8th and 9th June, 2023
2. Co-ordinator of a Two-Day workshop on GIS: Introduction, scope and career opportunities organized by Department of Geology, Gargaon College anf GRE Foundation on 16th and 17th August, 2023.
3. Co-ordinator of Career Counselling Talk On Unleashing India’s Science Sector: Exploring Research and Job Opportunities organized by Department of Geology In collaboration with IQAC, Gargaon College on 23rd February, 2024.
Orientation Course
1. Attended Two-Day Induction Training Programme organized by Higher Education Department, Government of Assam on 25th and 26th July, 2023
2. Attended a 4-Week Faculty Induction/Orientation Programme for “Faculty in Universities/ Colleges/Institutes of Higher Education organized by Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of Ministry Of Education Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission On Teachers And Teaching from 22nd November – 21st December, 2023
Short Term Course Attended
1. Attended One Week Faculty Development Programme On Research Methodology organised by IQAC, Gargaon College In collaboration with Department of Economics, Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya from 25th June-29th June, 2023.
" To provide quality education by infusing a new spirit among the learners" is the prime objective of the college. It will be our endeavor to march ahead with this motto and pursue knowledge in a fruitful way.