03772 296164

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Associate Professor
M.Com, M. Phil., Ph.D.


M.Com, M. Phil., Ph.D.

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Area Of Interest

Accounting and Taxation, Financial Management


1. Paper entitled ‘Market System and the Trade Centres during the Days of the Ahoms’ published in GUINEIS Journal, 1st Year, 1st Issue, 2013, ISSN 2347-2669 2. Paper entitled ‘Internal and External Trade during the Reign of the Ahoms’ published in Gauhati University Journal of Commerce, Volume XVIII:2013-14, ISSN-0971-4715. 3. Paper entitled ‘A Study of the Physical Resources of the Primary Schools of Assam and Its Influence on the Academic Achievement of the Child’ published in Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, Vol. III, January, 2015, ISSN 2320-0138 4. Paper entitled ‘Trade with East India Company during the Days of the Ahoms’ published in. Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, Vol. IV, January, 2016. ISSN 2320-0138 5. Paper entitled ‘Revenue and Fiscal Regulations of the Ahoms’, Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, Vol. V, January, 2017, ISSN 2320-0138 6. Paper entitled ‘Economy of Assam during the days of the Ahoms with Special Reference to Women’, published in Social Science Journal of Gargaon College, Vol. VII, January 2019, Pg. No. 14-20, ISSN 2320-0138. 7. Paper entitled ‘An Analysis of Metal Industries of Assam during the Ahom Reign’ published in Shodh Sanchar Bulletin (UGC Care Journal), Vol. 10, Issue 37, January to March, 2020, ISSN 2229-3620. 8. Paper entitled ‘Women’s Safety and Public Transportation’ published in Panchajanya (A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Biannual Research Journal), Vol. XIII, June 2023, Pp. 92-98, ISSN 2230-911X 9. Paper entitled ‘Role of Government in Promoting Entrepreneurship of Assam’ published in Anuxanga (A Half Yearly Peer Reviewed Bilingual Journal in Social Science and Humanities), Vol., II, September 2023, Pp, 49-55, ISSN 2319-7056. 10. Paper entitled ‘An Analysis of Financial Status of Tea Garden Women through Self Help Group of Sivasagar District in Assam’ published in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (An International Peer Reviewed & Referred Journal, Impact Factor 7.97), Vol., XI, Issue 10, October 2023, Pp. b551-b559, ISSN 2320-2882 and 49023 11. Paper entitled ‘Currency during the Ahom Reign’ published in Panchajanya (A Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed Biannual Research Journal), Vol. XIV, December 2023, Pp. 111-118, ISSN 2230-911X 12. Paper entitled ‘Forensic Accounting in India: A Technique of Fraud Detection’ published in,BharatiyaShikshaShodhPatrika (UGC Care Approved Bilingual, Biannual Multi-disciplinary Referred Journal), Vol. 42, No.2 (IV), July-December 2023, Pp. 120-127.ISSN 0970-7603. 13. Paper entitled ‘Challenges and Opportunities of Microfinancing to Street Vendors in Sivasagar District of Assam’ published in International Journal for Multidisciplinary Research (An International Open Access Peer Reviewed Journal, Impact Factor 9.24), Vol. 6, Issue 1 (January-February 2024), ISSN 2582-2160 14. Paper entitled ‘A Comparison between Old & New Tax Regime of Income Tax Act, 1961 for Salaried Individuals’ published in EPRA International Journal of Economics, Business & Management Studies (A Peer Reviewed, Referred & Indexed International Journal, Impact Factor 8.431), Vol. II, Issue 2, February 2024, ISSN 2347-4378. Books Authored: Trade and Industries of Assam During the Ahom Reign, published by Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi in 2019, ISBN 978-81-8370-567-7

Book Chapters

1. Chapter titled ‘Rural Women and Higher education in North East, Past and Present’, Page no 13-19, published in Proceedings ofNational Seminar on Challenges to Higher Education in Empowering Rural Women of North East, held at J.D.S.G. College, Bokakhat, ISBN : 816790352-4, 2010. 1. Chapter titled ‘Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy of Education on the Modern Educational Practices of India’, PP 145-156, published in A Study onGandhian Philosophy edited by Dr. Krishna JyotiHandique, Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, ISBN 978-81-921869-5-5, 2011 2. Chapter titled ‘Bamboo and Cane Crafts of Assam’ published in ‘North East Business Reporter’, Vol. 3, Issue No. 6, November, 2012, ISSN 2249-0728, 2012 3. Chapter titled ‘Textile, Silk and Dyeing Industries of Medieval Assam’, PP 181-194 published in ‘Small Scale Industries in Assam’, edited by Dr. Krishna JyotiHandique, Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, ISBN 978-81-922338-1-9, 2012. 4. Chapter titled ‘Festivals of the Misings’, PP 289-30, published in Crafts and Culture in North-East India, edited by Dr. Krishna JyotiHandique, Gandhian Studies Centre, Gargaon College, ISBN 978-81-922338-7-1, 2012. 5. Chapter titled Rural Development Strategies and Socio-Economic Makeover of Indian Rural Women, Page no 56-63 Proceedings of National Seminar on Women Issues and Development in Indian Perspectives, Organised by the Women Cell, Gargaon College, Sponsored by ICSSR, Shillong, ISBN:978-93-5104-434-5, 2013. 6. Chapter titled ‘AnkiaBhaonarAharjya – EtiSamuAluchana’ published in Proceedings of National Seminar on Role and Significance of Bhaona in the context of Ethnic and Communal Harmony in Assam, Organised by Samannaya (a group of socio-economic and cultural organization) in association with Teacher’s Unit J.D.S.G. College, Bokakahat, ISBN:978-81-931069-0-7,2015. 7. Chapter titled ‘ChampaKalita’ published in Women Writers of Assam (Vol. III), edited by Dr. JunuMahanta&SadouAsomLekhikaSamarohSamity, Tezpur, Assam, ISBN 978-93-82750-99-4, 2016 8. Chapter titled ‘Trade and Industries of Assam during the Ahom Reign’, PP.324-328 published in Summary of Doctoral Theses, Vol. VIII edited by Dr. PranjalBhuyan& Dr. KedarnathPandey. Published by Assam College Teachers’ Association, ISBN 978-81-936621-8-2, 2018. 9. Chapter titled ‘YuvaUcchingkholotaAru Amar Koroniyo’, PP 133-135, published in ‘Yuvaunmesh’, edited by ShyamolimaSaikia, ISBN 978-93-87494-37-4, 2019-20. 10. Chapter entitled ‘Status of Tea Garden Workers of Assam with special reference to Women: A Study’, PP 321-328 published in Tea Makers of North East India edited by Mr. Anil Tanti, ISBN 978-93-89262-14-8, 2020. 11. Chapter titled ‘Challenges of Agricultural Marketing in North East Region and Government Initiatives – A Study’, PP 171-180 published in New Directions in Research- Commerce, Economics, Agriculture, Business and Management, edited by Dr. Mintu Gogoi& Nomami Dutta, Balaji Publications, New Delhi, ISBN 978-93-91661-62-5, 2023. 12. Chapter titled ‘Problems and Prospects of Eco-tourism in Sivasagar District of Assam’, June 2023, Pp. 61-67 published in ‘Recent Concerns in Humanities and Social Sciences’ edited by Biman Dutta, Md. AktarHussain and Simismita Borah, SUNBEAM on behalf of Dept. of Economics, BirRaghab Moran Government College, Doomdooma. ISBN 978-93-5891-717-8, 2023. 13. Chapter titled ‘Analysis of National Education Policy (2020) with Special Reference to Higher Education System in India’ Pp. 72-78, 2023 published in Implementation of NEP-2020 and HEIs of Assam, edited by Dr. LohitHazarika, Dr. DadulRajkonwar& Dr. HariniPatowary Das, Publication Cell, Lakhimpur Commerce College, ISBN 978-93-5779-838-9, 2023. 14. Chapter entitled ‘Compliance of Accounting Standards in Indian higher Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Strategies’, Pp. 87-104 published in Contemporary Research in Commerce, Management and Education, edited by Dr. Mintu Gogoi& Dr. GourangaPatra, Balaji Publications, New Delhi , ISBN 978-81-972336-3-0, 2024.


1. Presented a paper titled ‘Rural Women and Higher Educationin the North East – Past and Present’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar on North East – Past and Present organised by J.D.S.G. College, Bokakhat on 15th Sept, 2010. 2. Presented a paper titled ‘Strategic Plan for International Tourism Development: A Case Study of Kaziranga National Park’ in International Seminar organised by Namrup College &Sibsagar Girls’ College on 11th& 12thDec,2010. 3. Presented a paper titled ‘Relevance of Gandhian Philosophy of Education in the Modern Practices in India’ in National Seminar organised by Gandhian Study Centre, Gargaon College on 7th& 8thJanuary, 2011. 4. Presented a paper titled ‘Royal Festivals of the Ahoms’ in National Seminar & 4th Annual Conference of Tribal Literary Forum of India organised by GUINES, Gauhati University on 2ndto4thFebruary, 2011. 5. Presented a paper titled ‘Social Security Measures to Street Vendors (Micro entrepreneurs) & Its Impact on Development of Entrepreneurship –A Study in Sivasagar District’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar organised by S.P.P. College, Namti, Sivasagar on 10th&11thFebruary, 2011. 6. Presented a paper titled ‘A Study of the Problems and Prospects of Micro Financing to Street Vendors in Sivasagar District of Assam’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar organised by DHSK Commerce College, Dibrugarh on 12th& 13thFebruary, 2011. 7. Presented a paper titled ‘The Role of Street Vendors in Urban Society – A Study in Sivasagar Town of Assam’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar organised by Sonari College on 23rd& 14th September, 2011. 8. Presented a paper titled ‘Rural Development Strategies and Socio Economic Makeover of Indian Rural Women’ in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar organised by Gargaon College, 5th November, 2011. 9. Presented a paper titled ‘Trade with East India Company during the Days of the Ahoms’ in 35th Annual Conference of North East India History Association (NEIHA) organised by Gargaon College on 10-12thNovember, 2014. 10. Presented a paper titled ‘Socio Economic Conditions of LakwaDihingiaKonwarGaon of Sivasagar District: A Case Study’ in UGC Sponsored National Seminar organised by Lakhimpur Commerce College, North Lakhimpur, 27th& 28th June, 2017. 11. Presented a paper titled ‘Economy of Assam during the Days of Ahoms with special reference to Women’ in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar organised by JorhatKendriyaMahavidyalaya on 12th& 13th October, 2018. 12. Presented a paper titled ‘Problems and Prospects of Agricultural Marketing in the Light of New Reforms in North East Region’ in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar organised by Gargaon College on 24th August, 2019. 13. Presented a paper ‘Eco-tourism and Sivasagar: Prospects and Problems’ in ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar organised by Lakhimpur Commerce College on 3rd& 4th March, 2023. 14. Presented a paper titled ‘Financial Status of Tea Garden Women through Self Help Group: A Study of Sivasagar District in Assam’ in International Conference organised by Gargaon College on 5th& 6th May, 2023. 15. Presented a paper titled ‘Sustainable Tourism: A Conceptual Sketch of Review for the Period from 1990 to 2024’ in International Seminar organised by Golaghat Commerce College in collaboration with Kolkata Bidhannagar Society, West Bengal on 6th& 7th Sept, 2024.

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